Thursday, November 17, 2011



While the focus on ObamaCare has largely centered on the constitutionality – or lack thereof – of the individual mandate, the survival of socialist health care program will remain in doubt even if it receives a favorable ruling from the Supreme Court next spring. Yep, the Democrats were so hell-bent on ramming Obama’s bill through Congress before it could be read and understood by the American people, they overlooked what is clearly a major glitch that threatens the basic functionality of a key component of the law.

The oversight is so troublesome to the Regime that Lord Obama is once again attempting to rule by royal edict; he has quietly been trying to rewrite the law without involving Congress. (What a shock, eh?)

Here’s where the Democrats screwed up:
The “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” (that name still cracks me up) offers “premium assistance” – tax credits and subsidies – to households purchasing coverage through new “health-insurance exchanges.” (This provision was designed to hide a portion of ObamaCare’s cost to individuals by temporarily offsetting premium hikes that individuals will face after el presidente’s baby goes full metal jacket in 2014.)

ObamaCare “encourages” states to create health-insurance exchanges, but it permits the federal government to create them if states decline. So far, only 17 states have passed legislation to create an exchange. This is where the free-market poop hits the socialistic fan; ObamaCare authorizes premium assistance in state-run exchanges – but not in federal exchanges.

This presents a major problem for the Captain of Socialized Medicine:
States that refuse to create exchanges can block much of ObamaCare’s implementation – and effectively force Congress to reopen the law for revisions, which would be anathema to Barack Hussein Obama.

So what’s a Dear Leader to do? Exactly what he’s done in the past when Congress or the Constitution of the United States has gotten in his way:  Rule by decree – or in this case, goad the IRS into changing the rules. (a cornerstone tenet of liberalism)

The Regime apparently discovered the free-market fly in the socialist ointment last summer, prompting Captain Transparency to quietly propose a new IRS rule that would offer premium assistance in all exchanges: “whether established under section 1311, (state exchanges), or 1321.” (federal exchanges).

There’s nothing quite like a liberal when he “thinks out of the box.”
According to an official from the Obama Treasury Department, the Regime is “confident” that offering premium assistance where Congress has not authorized it “is consistent with the intent of the law and our ability to interpret and implement it.”

Others – including the Rat - disagree; not only is the wording of the law, as passed, very clear; the IRS lacks the power to dispense tax credits or spend money without Congressional approval. Period.

Setting the ultimate ruling by the Supreme Court aside, it’s going to be a long, bumpy road for Lord Obama’s only piece of “landmark” legislation. He clearly would like a different law than the one that was passed; so would we. Wouldn’t it be awesome if we could just tweak it here and there whenever we felt like it too?
Do you suppose Nancy Pelosi is rethinking her dopey comment, “We have to pass the [health care] bill so that you can find out what is in it.”? Nah – she’s still a moron.

By The Rat.


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