Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Yep, the similarities between “Occupy Wall Street” and the Tea Party just keep piling up – day-after-day, week-after-week, don’t they? The parallels are simply uncanny:
Rape, murder, drugs, (including overdoses), vandalism and health concerns, (including tuberculosis and sexually-transmitted diseases), just to name an obvious few.
And now this- the uncanny similarity of uncanny similarities – from an OWS protester:

“We going to burn New York City to the f**king ground. Ain’t no more talking. They got guns, we got bodies. They got bricks, we got rocks. Let’s see what they got. They got missiles, we got bombs. I want them to make that decision so they can see; in a few days you going to see what a Molotov cocktail can do to Macy’s.”
Eerily similar to words you’ve heard from Tea Party members, right? (right down to this guy’s exquisite command of the English language.)

Before we continue, let’s pause for a round of  Point-Counterpoint, shall we?

Rat: The words and actions of the OWS protests prove that this is not a peaceful movement that seeks an intelligent debate.

Loon: These people are fringe-elements; they are not representative of, nor to they speak for, a majority of the movement. OWS should not be judged by a few people.

Rat: But the Tea Party is racist and bigoted?

Loon: Of course.

Rat: Why do you say that?

Loon: I’ve seen the signs, man; haven’t you seen the signs?

Rat: No, but I’ll accept your premise; these people are fringe-elements; they are not representative of, nor to they speak for, a majority of the movement. The Tea Party should not be judged by a few people.

Loon: (Silence)

Rat: Oh, and loon?

Loon: Yeah, Rat?

Rat: Obama, Biden and the liberal media – to name a few – have suggested that there are many similarities between OWS and the Tea Party. Can you name a few of those for me?

Loon: Um…um…I got nothin’.

Of course, those of us with the capacity (not to mention, “desire.”) to see through Obama & Co. understand completely why they rushed to draw comparison between OWS and the Tea Party:

The desperate desire to legitimize OWS and its message. (or shall I say, the “message” the Democrats THOUGHT they heard from OWS.)
However, as anyone with an ounce of objectivity (and honestly) can see; from the beginning, any comparison between these organizations is ludicrous (and disingenuous) at best – both message and delivery of such message:
OWS is about what it (irrationally) opposes – while offering no substantive debate or viable alternatives for what it supports. (which granted, is a tall order to fill when one begins from a such a ridiculous position of irrationality.)

Anyway, back at the OWS threat of terrorism: No word yet on whether these loons are planning for their pyrotechnics display to be a part of the festivities surrounding Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Oh, and I said “these loons” vs. “this loon” with reason; the threat comes a week after a protester at Occupy Portland was arrested “on suspicion of throwing a Molotov cocktail onto a staircase at World Trade Center Portand, which should not be confused with The World Trade Center in New York, although the irony is perfect, isn’t it? Two World Trade Centers targeted by terrorists; who knew?

Watch video here.

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